Wednesday, 22 September 2010

photo journolism


With photo journalism, the photo is not necessarily the truth.
The photo captures the moment, but if the photo is taken a second before or a second after, then that moment in life is completely gone, but if the photo is captured at the right time, then that moment will last a lifetime.
If a picture has been taken but things have been edited or removed from the photo, then the picture has been manipulated,  picture is only real if the moment and everything in it is real at that particular moment in time. Pictures in things like magazines, newspapers or the Internet are normally not really and have all been manipulated.

Leica cameras were the newest portable cameras around in them days and had one, and used to walk around all day with it. Almost stalking everything around him to get that moment to get a picture of.
  The camera had a lens at the side of the camera so that when taking a picture, you could look through the lens with one eye, and see the rest of the world with the other eye.

Over time, photography has changed. for example, back then people were inspired and really interested at the thought of new photography because not allot of people had cameras.Whereas now, people are not so interested as they were because everyone is so used to all the technology that's always coming out every few months, its almost like your carrying photography around in your own pocket. Also, to many people, the photography taken many years ago seem to be allot more interesting compared to the photos taken today.

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